Radio Tray
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Radio Tray is an online radio streaming player that runs on a Linux system tray. Its goal is to have the minimum interface possible, making it very straightforward to use.
Radio Tray is not a full featured music player, there are plenty of excellent music players already. However, there was a need for a simple application with minimal interface just to listen to online radios. And that's the sole purpose of Radio Tray.
Radio Tray is Free Software, licensed under the GPL.




Radio Tray latest version is: 0.7.3
You can also check out the source code from the Mercurial repository at

Help Translate

If you want to help translate Radio Tray for your language, please visit Transifex's Radio Tray page. Translating is very easy. From the overview page select the tip component to see the current language support list. If your language is not listed you can ask for a new team to be created for that language. You'll be appointed coordinator for that team. You'll then be able to add/edit a translation file for that language.

Top translations: radiotray » tip-po-untitled-pot

You can also help development by making a donation:


Radio Tray is programmed in Python and uses the following libraries::


Version 0.7.3
Version 0.7.2
Version 0.7.1
Version 0.7
Version 0.6.4
Version 0.6.3
Version 0.6.2
Version 0.6.1
Version 0.6
Version 0.5.1
Version 0.5 - 20/03/2010
Version 0.4 - 16/02/2010
Version 0.3 - 30/01/2010
Version 0.2 - 17/01/2010
Version 0.1 - 09/01/2010